sounds like you've had a rough week.
Having followed your blogs for some time now this is an uncharacteristic
piece for you. You are usually more
thoughtful and positive in your thoughts than delving into a shallow
emotionally laden article as this.
Do you rub elbows
with millionaires and billionaires on a regular basis? I am certainly are not one of them but I
personally know a handful. They are
decent hardworking and I would even say charitable and compassionate
people. Oh I'm sure there are a few in
ivory towers that come from old money, but most of them I suspect are decent
people as well. New money rich people
like the ones I know went to school, got educated, worked in the ranks with
their peers, took risks, burned the midnight oil, cultivated networks, demonstrated a sound
business mind, aligned themselves with likeminded people and succeeded. They don't take from the poor or the down
trodden. They work to grow their
business, create more opportunity and give hope to everyone, especially the
hopeless. To vilify all these people
with a single stroke of the evil brush is not very well thought out. Sounds like a line out of Sander's stump
I'm not so sure that
racist and fascists works in the same sentence the way you mean it. Racist people do truly hate and I have to
agree with you they do a fair job of passing that on to their children. And of course, that is wrong. We are only 50 years beyond the mid-sixties
where equality became law. You would
have thought we be doing better with it all as we are. The southern states has always suffered with
the transition because of their history.
The northern states has always been more enlightened even from the
signing of the declaration. But even
still, look at the stupid history we've had of hatred. Always black and Indian
people, Irish people, Italian people, Chinese people, Japanese people have had
their turn on the race wheel. I lived
through some of the worst race riots you never heard of in the
mid-seventies. I've had minorities that
worked for me that blatantly told me they were going to do whatever they damn
well pleased or they were going to yell racism.
And they did, causing quite a disruption in the workplace. I didn't hate them for that and still
don't. I understand that as a minority
they had experiences the likes of which I would probably never have. I was just sad they carried such a chip on
their shoulder about it. I can tell you
though even though these red-neck types may teach their children this crazy
stuff their children can and many will reject it. I did.
Fascism is a ruling
ideology that differs from racists. They
are not interested in money as they are in power. Dictators are great fascist. The government owns everything, all
production, all fields, all religion, every facet of your life. This doesn't mean they are not racist, just
that they might not be. Fascism is a
harsher version of communism in my mind.
Socialism like Sanders touts is a weak sister to fascism and
communism. People like Sanders and Trump
feed on the frustrations of what you termed the down-trodden and hopeless to
further their gains. Trump for ego and
Sanders for a misconstrued sense of equality.
These are not the kind of people we want leading us.
You have covered
pretty much every walk of life that can be accused of some wrong doing. You accuse nearly all people of authority
and those that have the responsibility of shaping young minds of some kind of
wrong doing. Someone in those positions
can be abusive. I don't understand
putting them on notice. We have laws and
mechanisms for punishing wrong doing, civilly or legally. We do that better than any other country in
the world. There are 300 million of us
in the U.S.; tens of thousands police, and educators and with human nature what
it is there will be abuses. When they
are caught they are punished, or should be.
I think the worst abusers are the college professors that push a
jaundice slant on the students to the
far left; that vilify the CEO's and Stock Brokers. Then some of those students leave school and
learn the truth and become CEO's and Stock Brokers. I put these professors in the worst light
because they influence hundreds of minds everyday where a bad cop might hurt a
couple at any given time.
I think the reason
so many people feel the system as run amok and the fabric is being torn is
because until the Obama administration directed the Department of Justice to
lay sway to the rule of law in favor of the minorities, not on the basis of
behaviors. Justice has not been color
blind the past seven years. What is
needed is for the blindfold to be put back on lady justice. People have had their faith in the justice
system eroded. It isn't a matter of
perception. Bad people do bad things
they should be punished. When a bad
person does a bad thing and Obama says that the punishment is unwarranted and
lets them go it undermines our rule of law.
The hip game being played is by the leadership of our country right now
not by the rich in ivory towers. The
system didn't get out of hand, it was wrested from us by our political system.
I'm sure I'm not one
of the people you are putting on notice.
Yet, I don't intend on being collateral damage. I am not sure as to what you think you are
going to do with your band to end a game that has no end or perhaps we are not
playing on the same board. Like Rodney
King said, can't we all just get along.
No harm, no foul. There are
millions more in the country like me that wish the best for everyone than like
the ones you hate that mean harm to anyone that gets in their way.
I'm hoping you have
a better week this week.
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