Tuesday, December 13, 2016

The Colony

"Where are you?  What do you see?"  Doctor Ferris asked Joel.

Joel, lying in a contoured memory foam rack  had his eyes closed.  "Black - Nothing.  Wait, there are specks of white light, for an instant, then they streak by me."

Ferris glanced up at the observation dome overhead.  A hundred grim faces looked down on her from the circular stadium seating surrounding the dome.  She asked Joel, "Are you moving?"

The response was immediate.  "I don't know.  I might be, but I don't feel it."

"Joel, do you see any speck color other than white."

The pause took thirty seconds.  "Yes, I see a red one at 10:00 o'clock."

"Good, focus on it.  Concentrate on the red one.  What's happening?"

"It's growing in size.  Not streaking by like the others."

Ferris took a thermometer from the table at her elbow and wiped Joel's forehead with it and read the digital readout.  102.8 F.  1.2 degrees to go before withdrawal.

"Doctor Ferris?"

"Yes, Joel."

"I'm there.  I just landed.  It's beautiful."

"Describe it.  Is it habitable?"


The stadium observers broke out in a cheer, slapping high-fives and hugging one another.  Ferris raised her arm with an open hand and waved it gently.  The crowd immediately went silent.

Joel, as though he sensed the jubilation paused, then continued.  "I'm in a plain ringed with ruddy rocky outcrops.  Looks like the floor of a meteor strike millenniums old.  The sky has clouds and the color spectrum is right for oxygen.  Wait."  Joel turned the palm of his hand toward his feet.  Water began to bead on the back of it.  "Yes, I feel water.  Not to deep; maybe 18-20 thousand feet.  This will do.  Launch the environmental pod. I can do the rest."

Ferris looked up as a dozen men and women streamed from the stadium.   A few minutes later she heard a whirl of hydraulics as storage bay doors opened.  Seconds later a man reappeared and nodded.  But Ferris had already turned on the camera array and saw the geometric dome floating along the ship.

"Joel, it's out." 

"I'm going to send a cloud of dirt from the planet to cover and insulate it."  As he spoke Ferris and the others watched as red dust, then sheets began covering the dome.  In no less than five minutes it was obscured. 

Ferris wiped his forehead again. 103.4  "Joel, we are running out of time."

Joel's eyes whipped back and forth under his lids.  "No problem.  Is everyone ready for transfer to the dome?"

Ferris looked up and everyone was back in their seats.  "Yes."

Instantly, everyone disappeared.  Ferris looked at Joel.  "It's just me, now."  She wiped his forehead again. 103.9


"It's okay.  I have them."  He raised his arm over his head as if holding something up. 

The camera display showed the red swirling cloud was gone. 

"Yes, they’re right over me.  I have to set them down before you bring me back." 

She could see the straining of his arm as he brought his empty hand back to level with his waist.

"It's done."  He dropped his arm.

Ferris drove the plunger on the hypodermic into the I.V. line and wiped his forehead again. 103.4.  She sighed.

Joel opened his eyes and looked at her.  "Well, is that all I had to do to get you alone?"  He grinned.

She hugged him.  "Let's head back."  Kissing him, she said, "Well, we don't have to go in suspense right away.  We can snitch a few months of a hundred-year trip for ourselves." 

Thursday, June 23, 2016

Flash Fiction

My name is Spindly Crabback.  I was skimming along the surface like any other day shaking up some delightful fish eggs,  in a pleasing fog of mud, that went down in a bite or two.  Looked like I was in a good spot for a change.  Of course, I had to dodge a number of fat stocks that seems to always be in pairs that kept shifting around in the atmosphere to plant themselves in the mud only to shift again.  You couldn't see the tops of them as they went up through the atmosphere to disappear beyond the transition showing a pinkish or black haze that seemed to float around in sync with the stocks; more pinks than blacks.  From curiosity, I had scrambled like the dickens one time to try and reach the top of the transition only to get buffeted back down by the churning of the atmosphere cause by the stocks moving.  Some friends that went with me made it to the top and I've never seen or heard from them again.  

Well, I wasn't going to let that bother me today.  I was in pincer heaven when I found a fresh sack of eggs.  I was so engrossed with digging into them that I didn't see it coming.  Squish… That dang stock pushed me a good hundred of my little feet into the mud.  

That really upset me, mad at myself for not watching better.  Not only did I lose my egg sack it's going to take me three days to dig myself out of here.  

Ego and Writers Groups

Roland Boykin, a Fantasy writer, blogged an article about Critique Groups: A Slice of Life that sparked my thinking on egos.  He looks to an even bigger picture by equating the small writers group as a reflection of society as a whole.  I'm not there quite yet, so I just want to shell out a few thoughts on ego.  Here is Roland's link:   https://rolandboykin.blogspot.com/2016/06/critique-groups-slice-of-life.html?showComment=1466694796209#c5816437649711390468

There is a difference between a overly large ego and being filled with confidence.  I think, that at first blush, it is hard to tell the difference.  With time and exposure, the large ego rears its ugly head or the confident person emerges.
 Image result for ego and writing
I suppose it could be argued that they go hand-in-hand where the ego and the confidence coincide.  Perhaps, that is true, but I think not.  I think they exist like the right and left arm; a part of the whole, but doing their own thing and come together occasionally to collaborate.  The ego tends to be fragile, easily offended and hurt.  It resists criticism which in a writers group setting comes in the form of critique. Confidence on the other hand is tough and resilient, where critique is considered against an existing base of knowledge and experiences and acted upon accordingly.

New aspiring writers have a low level of confidence, not a large ego.  I don't think that, as most arguments would have you believe, it takes a huge ego to be a writer.  If you wonder if your ego is unhealthy give yourself this test.  Do I get upset when that other person, the testy, cranky, insufferable person in the Writer's Group publishes a gosh awful work and you don't?  Do you secretly wish they would slip on the tire iron when changing a tire and break a finger?  Does the steam build In the back of your head when someone says about your perfectly crafted prose that they don't understand it, or it's preachy or telling or clique and you defend it, of course?  Answer yes to any of these and you probably have a overly large ego.  An over-sized ego breeds envy.

Image result for ego and writing

Ann Lamott wrote in her book on writing, Bird by Bird:
If you continue to write, you are probably going to have to deal with [envy] because some wonderful, dazzling successes are going to happen for some of the most awful, angry, undeserving writers you know—people who are, in other words, not you . . .You are going to feel awful beyond words. you are going to have a number of days in a row where you hate everyone and don’t believe in anything. if you do know the author whose turn it is, he or she will inevitably say that it will be your turn next, which is what the bride always says to you at each successive wedding, while you grow older and more decayed.
It can wreak just the tiniest bit of havoc with your self-esteem to find that you are hoping for small bad things to happen to this friend—for, say, her head to blow up.

From <https://killzoneblog.com/2012/09/a-writers-ego.html>

 That takes me as to why write if we are not confident and our ego isn't overly large.  I for one, like to express my thoughts and feelings in print.  It may be for myself, solely (which is actually rare) or for the convincing of  others as to my point of view or to be thought provoking by providing an interesting piece that someone would like to read.

If, as a writer, we want to provide work for people to read.  Then, I think that we have to be respectful of the audience.  We, over time, have a responsibility to write in such a manner as not to put off the reader.  Foremost, this comes in the form of good construction of the written word.  Now, on to content;  to present interesting material that draws in the reader and builds on the argument or plot, if you will. 

I think that there are very few of us that are looking for a place in history like Poe or Hemingway to be read, studied and remembered for all the rest of time.  I, for one, would like to spin a yarn that a reader would enjoy as much as I enjoyed writing it.  I don't care if Hemingway thinks writing, at its best, is a lonely life (as I sit here in the dark by myself, when everyone else in the household is in bed).  I am comfortable with myself, I'm my second best friend after my wife.  I would feel successful if my book was in the bottom of the barrel at Goodwill for Twenty-five cents.  But, I have to write it before it gets there.  Perhaps, the best validation of our writing is if someone gives us some money for it, from time to time, and we transition from amateur to professional.

Already, in the few sessions I've attended at the Kitsap's Writers Group, I like to think that my writing has grown and/or matured.  Insights given are spot-on.  The time and effort put into the depth of the critiques I have received is not to be under appreciated.  In times past I have had a series of epiphanies that brought me to the realization that I am flawed.  I don't always have the right answers to any given topic regardless of how passionate I am about it.  I think disjointedly and truncate my writing as though I'm doing an "Operators Manuel" rather than a robust descriptive piece with depth and emotion.  The aggravating thing is I can't see it until it is pointed out to me by the group. Then yippee… I can fix that. 

As I read posts by published authors(on Google+), I smile when they comment about a discussion or debate they've had with their critique group on, say, Point-of-view, or Tense, or author intrusion, or whatever.  I agree fully with those that feel a group is important; birds of a feather do flock together and everyone who writes would write better when swimming in the pool with other writers. 

Ego is okay if healthy.  Confidence is even better and if the confidence level is low, study, practice, and more practice will grow and strengthen it.  So much the better for building confidence when a group of like minded souls lovingly contribute their two-cents.  If you are a fledgling writer like I am, join a writers group.  If you are seasoned and at the top of your game, join a writers group and share. 

Thursday, June 9, 2016

The Princess and the Apprentice by Roland Boykin

I am not one for book reviews for several reasons; foremost, I don't think I'm really qualified to judge another persons writing.  I, generally, don't know the person that wrote it  and admire that their book was published for what skill they have and I like the book or not.  On my Kindle after reading a book it pops up with book review option - "Before you go - Say something about this book."  I might be inclined to do so, but I have a hard enough time at the keyboard composing my thoughts, so index fingering a response for a book review leaves me fatigued.  Oh, and by the way, the Kindle doesn't let you off easy; it is work to get by the review request.

That said.  I know Roland Boykin.  Not well, but better since hooking up on Google+.  You can get a measure of a person by what they post and pictures they show.  I really like cats too, by the way.  This I decided to write a review of Roland's book I finished a few weeks ago.

Here are a few things that strikes me as a good book. 

  1. Depth of characters:  Do they become real to me?
  2. Plot development:  Does it take me where it hints to with a twist here and there?
  3. Cleverness:  How original is it?  Of course, it is said that every human condition has been written about, so, thus, what neat clever way has it been approached in this book?
  4. Audience, is this book written for a genre in a particular age group or across a wide spectrum or readers?
  5. Finally, do I want to read more of this author?

Before I start my review.  I'll say I thoroughly enjoyed Roland Boykin's book.

These points above are not in any order of importance.  For Roland's book I'll start with the audience.

When I finished his book my wife asked me how did I like it.  First thing that came to mind was it is an easy read.  I finished it in two evenings.  The story seems targeted at high school/young adult.  Which may be why I liked it so well.  Language is clean, not sexually graphic, and the violence (have to have violence when dealing with monsters) is appropriately applied in this book.

 The Princess and the Apprentice is written in a well used and largely abused genre of fantasy.  That makes it difficult to get a original plot or theme going.  I think Roland knows this and employs a good bit of cleverness along with his character development to carry the day. 

The main characters are likable and although you don't overly worry about them you because know what outcomes there are going to be it is interesting to see how Roland gets them through their trials.  I especially like it when the heroes are in a tough spot and I can't see a way out and the author then saves them in a way I could not imagine.   Roland does that well.

The plot starts off straight forward enough for this type of book.  Then as Shelton on the "Big Bang Theory" says  -  Zingna;  or gotcha, bet you didn't see that twist coming.  I won't spoil it for you by telling what that is.

Finally,  Roland neatly ties up the end with a well worked out teaser for a follow-on book.  Which, I hope isn't to long in coming.

My recommendation is if you like fantasy and/or a cleverly written book that will take you away for a couple days then I say read  Princess and the Apprentice.

Monday, May 23, 2016

Love and Appreciation for Family

Love and Appreciation for Family

My talk assignment today is Love and Appreciation for family.
As you probably all know, the lord has restored the gospel to the earth to be exercised as a family.  As Heavenly Father is our Spiritual Father, Jesus Christ and literally everyone else are our brothers and sisters.  That makes for a really big family. Many may not believe that yet, and many suspect it, but we as members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints know it.  We order life events and teachings in the home and in the church around family.   We have Family Home evening, chaperoned events like dances and outings, scouts, camping, pot lucks, sports and so on for the strengthening of our personal family, ward family, church family and rest of the world.
I have brought non-members, friends and family, to Sacrament meeting and afterwards almost to a fault their first comment was about how noisy they thought the service was.  So many children gurgling, laughing, crying, crawling under the pews, and climbing over their parents to visit with the folks in the next pew back.  I tell them, probably the same thing you have, we are a family oriented church, and Sacrament is sacred to us and the children learn as they age and get better behaved, that this is the one meeting not to miss if we can help it.  I’m not the least bit apologetic for our noisy kids and actually a bit proud of it.
One of the things I think that brings about appreciation is not taking our family for granted.  As I was growing up, my mom and dad were not LDS and all I knew about the Mormons was the story about the Sea Gulls eating up all the locus in that old 1950s movie.  I wish my parents had been LDS; perhaps I might have made some of my life decisions differently.  “I love you,” never passed the lips of my parents that I recall.  When visiting my mom sometime after having joined the church, on parting to go home I told her I loved her.  The effect was immediate, a double-take and a returned, “I love you too.”  It is true you don’t have hear you’re loved by your parents to know you are, but it means so much more when the endearment is given.
As a young man in my 20’s, I hadn’t given much thought and what little thought I did give about my mom and dad was shaded a little negative.  There are volumes written about raising a good family by just about every physiologist that ever put pen to paper.  There is plenty of good stuff in those words that helps us to raise socially responsible children.  As a kid and young man, I didn’t know any of that.  I held a grudge against my mom for making me go to bed early after telling me I could stay up and watch “Rebel without a Cause.”  I held that grudge for decades and I still haven’t seen the movie.
It truly wasn’t until I had a job as a Correctional Counselor in the Federal prison system in Texas that I came to realize what a wonderful, patient, long suffering pair of parents I had to have tolerated my shenanigans.   After joining the church that sense of appreciation for my parents was deepened and reinforced. 
The prophets and apostles pass on the Lord’s desire for us to understand this family unit all the time.  Because of the way of the world and our government leaders over the past decade, the turning away from gospel principles that have been traditionally recognized by all churches has brought Prophets and Apostles to feel the need to proclaim an open letter to the world concerning us and our family.
There are nine paragraphs.  I’ll go through this proclamation paragraph by paragraph.  

The Family

A Proclamation to the World
The First Presidency and Council of the Twelve Apostles of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
We, the First Presidency and the Council of the Twelve Apostles of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, solemnly proclaim that marriage between a man and a woman is ordained of God and that the family is central to the Creator’s plan for the eternal destiny of His children.

Elder David A. Bednar explains:  The eternal nature and importance of marriage can be fully understood only within the overarching context of the Father’s plan for His children. “All human beings—male and female—are created in the image of God. Each is a beloved spirit son or daughter of heavenly parents, and … has a divine nature and destiny.” 3 The great plan of happiness enables the spirit sons and daughters of Heavenly Father to obtain physical bodies, to gain earthly experience, and to progress toward perfection.
“Gender is an essential characteristic of individual premortal, mortal, and eternal identity and purpose” 4 and in large measure defines who we are, why we are here upon the earth, and what we are to do and become. For divine purposes, male and female spirits are different, distinctive, and complementary.

2. All human beings—male and female—are created in the image of God. Each is a beloved spirit son or daughter of heavenly parents, and, as such, each has a divine nature and destiny. Gender is an essential characteristic of individual premortal, mortal, and eternal identity and purpose.
In Moses 6:8,9 “8 Now this prophecy Adam spake, as he was moved upon by the Holy Ghost, and a genealogy was kept of the children of God. And this was the book of the generations of Adam, saying: In the day that God created man, in the likeness of God made he him;
 9 In the image of his own body, male and female, created he them, and blessed them, and called their name Adam, in the day when they were created and became living souls in the land upon the footstool of God.
For Issue of Gender -President Packer taught: “The plan of happiness requires the righteous union of male and female, man and woman, husband and wife. … A body patterned after the image of God was created for Adam, and he was introduced into the Garden. At first, Adam was alone. … But alone, he could not fulfill the purposes of his creation. No other man would do. Neither alone nor with other men could Adam progress. Nor could Eve with another woman. It was so then. It is so today. Eve, an help meet, was created. Marriage was instituted.”
3. In the premortal realm, spirit sons and daughters knew and worshipped God as their Eternal Father and accepted His plan by which His children could obtain a physical body and gain earthly experience to progress toward perfection and ultimately realize their divine destiny as heirs of eternal life. The divine plan of happiness enables family relationships to be perpetuated beyond the grave. Sacred ordinances and covenants available in holy temples make it possible for individuals to return to the presence of God and for families to be united eternally.
Joseph Smith tells us in D&C Section 130 verse 2: 2 And that same sociality which exists among us here will exist among us there, only it will be coupled with eternal glory, which glory we do not now enjoy.
Although we will certainly rejoice in the eternal fellowship of close friends, the associations that will mean most to us are family relationships that have been sealed eternally in the house of the Lord through priesthood ordinances.
President Marion G. Romney (1897–1988), First Counselor in the First Presidency, taught: “In our upward climb, this mortal experience through which we are now passing is a necessary step. To obtain perfection, we had to leave our pre-earth home and come to earth. During the transfer, a veil was drawn over our spiritual eyes, and the memory of our premortal experiences was suspended. In the Garden of Eden, God endowed us with moral agency and, as it were, left us here on our own between the forces of good and evil to be proved—to see if, walking by faith, we would rise to our high potentiality by doing ‘all things whatsoever the Lord [our] God shall command [us]’ “
Thus we know that through these teachings of church leaders that the family is central to accomplishing these things.  We want to return to our Father in Heaven and live again with him there and more over we want our children, grandchildren and their children and so on nearly endlessly to join us there. Emphasis mine.
4. The first commandment that God gave to Adam and Eve pertained to their potential for parenthood as husband and wife. We declare that God’s commandment for His children to multiply and replenish the earth remains in force. We further declare that God has commanded that the sacred powers of procreation are to be employed only between man and woman, lawfully wedded as husband and wife.
Genesis 1:27,28: 27 So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.
 28 And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, …”
5. We declare the means by which mortal life is created to be divinely appointed. We affirm the sanctity of life and of its importance in God’s eternal plan.
“Under the accepted plan,” explained President Boyd K. Packer, Acting President of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, “Adam and Eve were sent to the earth as our first parents. They could prepare physical bodies for the first spirits to be introduced into this life.
“There was provided in our bodies—and this is sacred—a power of creation, a light, so to speak, that has the power to kindle other lights. This gift was to be used only within the sacred bonds of marriage. Through the exercise of this power of creation, a mortal body may be conceived, a spirit enter into it, and a new soul [be] born into this life.
“This power is good. It can create and sustain family life, and it is in family life that we find the fountains of happiness. It is given to virtually every individual who is born into mortality. It is a sacred and significant power. …
6. Husband and wife have a solemn responsibility to love and care for each other and for their children. “Children are an heritage of the Lord” (Psalm 127:3). Parents have a sacred duty to rear their children in love and righteousness, to provide for their physical and spiritual needs, and to teach them to love and serve one another, observe the commandments of God, and be law-abiding citizens wherever they live. Husbands and wives—mothers and fathers—will be held accountable before God for the discharge of these obligations.
Elder O. Leslie Stone of the First Quorom of the Seventy taught: The home is where we learn what is right, what is good, and what is kind. It is the first school and the first church. The best way to prepare a child for a happy and righteous adult life is to strengthen him during his child life. And happy is the family where this most important trust—that of properly raising the children of that family—is their greatest concern.
Equal to the responsibility we have to provide food and shelter and the necessities of life is the responsibility to set the right example for our children in all that we do.
Let us remember that the parent in the home influences the behavior patterns, the habits, the opinions, and the beliefs of the children. Most behavior patterns are established early in life, and it is an extremely difficult, slow task to change them later in life.
Additionally, on the negative side he said that among delinquent parents are these:
Those who quarrel in the presence of their children;
Those who pollute the home atmosphere with vulgarity and profanity;
Those whose daily home life does not conform to their Church pretensions;
Those who fail to teach obedience to their children;
Those who neglect to teach their children religion by saying, “Let them grow up and choose for themselves,” thus failing in the discharge of a parental responsibility.   

7. The family is ordained of God. Marriage between man and woman is essential to His eternal plan. Children are entitled to birth within the bonds of matrimony, and to be reared by a father and a mother who honor marital vows with complete fidelity. Happiness in family life is most likely to be achieved when founded upon the teachings of the Lord Jesus Christ. Successful marriages and families are established and maintained on principles of faith, prayer, repentance, forgiveness, respect, love, compassion, work, and wholesome recreational activities. By divine design, fathers are to preside over their families in love and righteousness and are responsible to provide the necessities of life and protection for their families. Mothers are primarily responsible for the nurture of their children. In these sacred responsibilities, fathers and mothers are obligated to help one another as equal partners. Disability, death, or other circumstances may necessitate individual adaptation. Extended families should lend support when needed.
There are a number of important points, some of which we have already discussed. Here is a short recap.
1.      First is the foundation: God prompts families.
2.     Marriage is between man and woman.
3.     Children are entitled to be born into a lawfully wedded and faithful family.
4.    Fathers are to preside over the family with the priesthood for protection and substance and shelter.
5.     Mothers nurture their children and reinforce the gospel principles in the home.
6.    And extended families and fellow church members have a responsibility to assist families when they suffer damage, be it death, illness or a falling away.  

8.     We warn that individuals who violate covenants of chastity, who abuse spouse or offspring, or who fail to fulfill family responsibilities will one day stand accountable before God. Further, we warn that the disintegration of the family will bring upon individuals, communities, and nations the calamities foretold by ancient and modern prophets.
By Elder Dennis B. Neuenschwander Of the Seventy:
“It is a frightful thought to be in a condition in which there is no choice and no personal accountability. Yet there are many who find this alternative attractive. For me, one of the most obvious characteristics of an anti-Christ is the teaching that one need not be accountable for his sins. Nehor falsely testified that “all mankind should be saved at the last day, and that they need not fear nor tremble, but that they might lift up their heads and rejoice; for the Lord had created all men, and had also redeemed all men; and, in the end, all men should have eternal life” (Alma 1:4).
We know that to be false.
On my Google + account I follow a political group.  There are thousands of people in the group but it seems that there is a handful of people that continually post.  From what they say, I can see the eroding factor in the family, we call it a disintegration, but they look at under the mantle of equal rights.  They rationalize that within the confines of being “good” people that two men or two women can raise children to no ill affect.  I submit to you that is not true.
Many of them vilify Christians and the doctrine of family and marriage.  Many Christian religions cater to this perversion of God’s will.  Brenda and I had the opportunity to attend an alternative lifestyle marriage between two women after it became law in Illinois to do so.  It was held in this very old lovely cathedral style church in downtown Elgin.  It was officiated by two Ministers, a man and a woman that tag-teamed the ceremony.  The ministers motivation to practicing a ceremony so contrary to the scriptures, even only the Bible they profess to adhere to is beyond my understanding.
We were not there as a show of support for the marriage, but because one of the people getting married was a family member and went as a show of love for her.  In any case, it was painful to watch as our spirits were hurting at the outward display of God’s will being circumvented and lionized by the government of Illinois.   Which takes us to the last paragraph. Emphasis mine.

9.      We call upon responsible citizens and officers of government everywhere to promote those measures designed to maintain and strengthen the family as the fundamental unit of society.
Joseph Smith in a meeting said:  “There is one more thing I wish to speak about, and that is political economy. It is our duty to concentrate all our influence to make popular that which is sound and good, and unpopular that which is unsound. ’Tis right, politically, for a man who has influence to use it, as well as for a man who has no influence to use his. From henceforth I will maintain all the influence I can get. In relation to politics, I will speak as a man; but in relation to religion I will speak in authority.”

I had, early this month, the opportunity to have a gospel principled discussion with our daughter that lives in Pennsylvania.  She had just recently changed to a non-denominational church because the church she was attending was more than teaching politics, but mandating compliance to vote the preachers way on issues of the day.  He was vigorous in his sermons on the topics so much so by telling them they would go to hell if not in alignment with his views, which according to him were God’s view.
We as church members have been told over and over what is right in God’s eyes and to participate and vote our conscience.  No church leader will raise up here and tell you to vote for Trump or Sanders even though sometimes some of us might wish they would.  Away from the pulpit, I suspect that anyone would be happy to let you know how they feel about current events if asked.  Even as Joseph Smith strove to make the church understand that for the church he was the authority and for politics’ he was speaking for himself.
We know, as we have related in this Proclamation on the Family, what the Lord expects of us.  When we study the issues of the day and go to the ballot box or exercise our influence where it has effect we will align our thinking and actions in accordance to our knowledge of the restored gospel and how it relates to the family. 
In this is the way love and appreciation can be cultivated in the family.

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Trump - 2016

Dear Friends and Followers (Yes, both of you);

From the beginning at Donald Trump's declaring he was running for the presidency I leaned his way.  I haven't now for a while.  In the early days and even in the past few months I have defended his stance on the border because of the misrepresentation of things he said by some of the media that then was repeated back to me.  That doesn't mean I support him.  I don't. 

I could cherry pick out all sorts of quotes and facts as to why I don't think he would not be right for the conservative movement.  I read them here on google + and CNN, Fox news and MSNBC and so forth.   You can too.   I like some of the ideas he puts forth and hate the way he puts them forth. 

Like so many others, I don't fully understand where his power lies.  He's been compared to tyrants of the past that do have a certain familiar ring to it as to how they came to power when compared to Trump.  I know to suggest that he would be like them is probably a stretch, yet… 

I was not put off by his characterization of "Illegal" Mexican's sneaking in to the U.S. I think he was partly right about that.  But, then it all goes downhill from there for me.  The first hit was when he denigrated Senator McCain as not being war hero.  Which McCain is.  I could overlook that for the sake of the rest of his package.  Then Trump declares there should be a hold on Muslims coming into the country.  I know what he is driving at, but all Muslims?  Too extreme in my view.  

Where my support for him went south fully is when he bowed out of the last Iowa debate because Megan Kelly was one of the moderators.  Really?   And then he hosted a veterans benefit where the money went to his general fund not to a VA group.  I'm sure he contributes plenty to such groups, but it was disingenuous of him.  From that point on, things he would say and the bully fashion in which he would say them has solidified my abandonment of him.  He says Planned Parenthood does wonderful things.  They slaughter hundreds of babies a day.  He accuses President Bush of lying to the country to go to war in Iraq.  That's been a far left liberal mantra for years.  He doesn't know who David Duke is?  He struggles to denounce the KKK.  I don't buy all that.  I think Trump is playing us.

Finally, Mitt Romney is not for him.  He hasn't come right out and said it.  He is not for Trump.  I am saddened by the mudslinging that  Trump has dragged the party down to.  Sure, there has been plenty in the past elections, but none like the tone we have now.  I think Trump is vindictive.  I think he would keep an enemies list like Nixon and wield his power of government agencies to make his enemies pay.  You think Obama has been bad.  I fear Obama would pale in the face of what Trump is capable of doing.  People argue that would be fine because he is conservative.  It wouldn't be fine if he was conservative which I don't think he is.  I think he is a clever liberal shrouded in a conservative cloak.  

I am for Cruz or Rubio.  I think one or the other would be just fine.  I lean a bit toward Cruz after listening to him often.  Rubio is smart too.  Both would be better picks than Trump.  I urge you not to support Trump.  The rest of the world doesn't respect the United States anymore because of Obama; I'm afraid the world would hate us because of Trump.  

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Iraq - The Blame

Let's talk a little about the Iraq war.

The primary mover to going back to Iraq and ousting Hussein was the threat of weapons of mass destruction; mostly nuclear and chemical warfare products.  But, that wasn't the only reason.

Other reasons were political murder and imprisonment,  graft and corruption at every level of authority,  indiscriminate rape of woman by Hussein's brothers and others in authority; spousal rape, mutilation and imprisonment of dissenters, women genitalia mutilation.  Those are some of the criminal types of things; lessor stuff like women not allowed to go to school, no free speech, maltreatment of children, and no self-rule for the people makes up the rest of the package.

I lived through the debate on if to go into Iraq the second time or not was being had.  I don't think anyone with half a brain thinks President Bush tricked our nation into going to war.  I saw the parade of pundits, Colin Powell, Dick Cheney, Hillary Clinton and others support the claim of WMDs.  George Bush was not a liar.  Don't let Donald Trump fool you with his rancorous accusations; he is piggy-backing on Obama and Democrat rhetoric .   Bush was misled as we all were. That is unfortunate, yet because we truly sacrificed our nations resources and lives that Iraq could become the free state that it did.  They got to vote.  I remember well the pride the Iraqis displayed with their purple thumbs.  Women became more protected, street rapes dropped off as they could go out in safety.  Women could go to school, children were curtailed from being exploited.  Commerce picked up between cities in safety, infrastructure was repaired and expanded.  Oil fields were repaired and the Iraqis didn't even sell us the oil. 

Don't be misled; in hindsight, even though we as a nation would have been better off had we never gone into Iraq the Iraqi people would still be suffering under Saddam Hussein or someone like him.  That would have been even more wrong than invading them.  Bernie Sanders was right on the money when he said that to go in there would destabilize the region.  He was right for the wrong reasons. 

The United States since the Korean conflict has had track record of abandoning our allies.  We foster revolt by the people hinting that if they want to get rid of their corrupt government we would come to their aid and then don't.  We did that to Egypt, Iran, Iraq, Vietnam, Syria, Libya and so on.  We didn't do that to Iraq the second time until President Obama.   President Obama destabilized the region by abandoning a weak, fledgling new democracy of Iraq.  The fault for the current condition in the middle east falls squarely on President Obama's shoulders not President Bushes.  As much as I am tempted to blame that on the Democrats I don't think any Democrat wants what's going on in the middle east now.  They voted in Obama with the hopes he would do the right thing and he didn't.  It's not their fault. 

Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders are the opposite sides of the same coin.  They both pander to a young, ill-educated electorate that has suffered and seen parents suffer in the last seven years of recovery with poor jobs, lack of jobs, no means to grasp opportunity.  Perhaps, one or the other is what this country needs to recover fully, but I doubt it.  We'll see. 

Monday, February 22, 2016


Years ago in the early 70's I was a Correctional Counselor for a couple years.   I was stationed at the Naval Air Station Corpus Christi Texas.  The Marines had been in charge of the correctional facility and a Navy Commander went in undercover to investigate complaints about them.  They messed him up pretty good and as a result the Navy sent all the Marines away and put sailors in charge.   If you've spent any time around active duty Marines you come to understand there is a huge difference in a world view between Marines and Sailors.   The Marines have important functions to fulfill in their military role and thus have to have under gone a certain type of conditioning to do that which for the most part makes them nearly incompatible with the rest of society.  Fortunately most of them normalize after they leave the service. 

Of all the services, the Navy is the toughest to survive in.  Sailors get stationed on huge hunks of metal with hundreds of miles of wire strung through it and big electrical generators then charge those wires.   Then stick that huge hunk of metal in water and float it around the world without getting shocked, swamped by a typhoon or set it on fire without the sight of land in any direction.  In abandon ship drills you are always given the bearing and distance to the nearest land.  We always joked, it is 2000 feet straight down.  Then with all the inherent dangers to life and limb we ride these ships for months and months on end.  I have 12 years on my sea counter.   Needless to say; it isn't the life for everyone which takes me back to the topic.  

Most of the people we had as guest in our correctional facility were misfits.   They generally just ran away to find some relief and then got caught and brought to us for processing out.   It took three months to discharge someone out on a convenience to the  government discharge.  We had two facilities the correctional center and the correctional barracks.  The center held new arrivals and more hard core men that posed flight risk and harm to others.  The barracks housed those proven to be without flight risk and would sit out the mustering out process. 

As the correctional counselor I interviewed all the new arrivals; assisted disbursing office with getting them some comfort funds, assessing their risk levels, medical needs and keeping them informed as to the process they were to undergo and the time frame to expect to be let go.  I kept statistics on the people for the two years.  I found that over 90% of the inmates were 5'10" or less; more than 85% hailed from a broken home growing up with just a mom or just a dad and a few fostered to adulthood.   Almost everyone smoked tobacco and most drank alcohol to excess if they could get it.  Then 99.7% of them had some varying degree of  issues with authority figures of which I was one.  

My relationship with the inmates was less stressful for them on several levels.  For one I was permitted to wear civilian clothes to work as to lessen the intimidation as an authority figure and garner greater trust.  I for one, really don't think it made any difference as I put my uniform back on for the second year and if anything I think the relationship with the inmates was stronger.  

With some exception the leadership of the Navy is ingrown.  The term ingrown has a negative meaning for good reason.  Young men without benefit of much life experience and not having much authority exercised over them other than mom and dad and Mr. Phillips in wood shop at school that had just enough leadership skills to teach them not to cut their finger off on the band saw.  So off the to boot camp where they are insulted, torn down and reassembled into the military mold.   Then those that stick it out long enough find themselves in charge; leaders without the skills to be so.  They learned to treat others the way they were treated and that usually wasn't very good.   We that stuck it out (I did 24 years) worked our way through those people and some of us took it on board to be different.  However, the misfits could not.  They, for the most part, were not bad people.   They had issues that just weren't compatible with the military.  Unlike civilian jobs you can't just resign.  You have to ride it out or get into enough trouble to get kicked out.   That's the route these men took. 

Here's my positive spin on this.  Those misfits that couldn't function in the Navy are among us.  The same type of people that would have been a misfit had they been in the Navy are with us too.   They still have authority issues, wear their hearts on their sleeves and hate to follow the rules and if not loners travel in companionship of those like-minded.  They add flavor to our otherwise complacent lives.  I call for a "Let's befriend a misfit" week.   I found that for the most part misfits are hard to get along with because of their attitudes and many times we don't feel they like us.  We struggle with having respect for them.   I can tell you that almost without exception that if we make an effort to actually "like" a misfit they will like us back.  It is almost impossible not to like someone that likes us.  Turn that around and we'll all get along together much better.  You would be amazed at the depth of good character a misfit can bring forth under the right conditions.   Give it a shot, you might just come away with a new best friend.  Wouldn't that be nice.  

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Notice Accepted


Consciousvanguard, sounds like you've had a rough week.  Having followed your blogs for some time now this is an uncharacteristic piece for you.  You are usually more thoughtful and positive in your thoughts than delving into a shallow emotionally laden article as this. 

Do you rub elbows with millionaires and billionaires on a regular basis?  I am certainly are not one of them but I personally know a handful.  They are decent hardworking and I would even say charitable and compassionate people.  Oh I'm sure there are a few in ivory towers that come from old money, but most of them I suspect are decent people as well.   New money rich people like the ones I know went to school, got educated, worked in the ranks with their peers, took risks, burned the midnight oil,  cultivated networks, demonstrated a sound business mind, aligned themselves with likeminded people and succeeded.  They don't take from the poor or the down trodden.  They work to grow their business, create more opportunity and give hope to everyone, especially the hopeless.  To vilify all these people with a single stroke of the evil brush is not very well thought out.  Sounds like a line out of Sander's stump speech. 

I'm not so sure that racist and fascists works in the same sentence the way you mean it.  Racist people do truly hate and I have to agree with you they do a fair job of passing that on to their children.  And of course, that is wrong.  We are only 50 years beyond the mid-sixties where equality became law.  You would have thought we be doing better with it all as we are.  The southern states has always suffered with the transition because of their history.  The northern states has always been more enlightened even from the signing of the declaration.    But even still, look at the stupid history we've had of hatred. Always black and Indian people, Irish people, Italian people, Chinese people, Japanese people have had their turn on the race wheel.  I lived through some of the worst race riots you never heard of in the mid-seventies.  I've had minorities that worked for me that blatantly told me they were going to do whatever they damn well pleased or they were going to yell racism.  And they did, causing quite a disruption in the workplace.  I didn't hate them for that and still don't.  I understand that as a minority they had experiences the likes of which I would probably never have.  I was just sad they carried such a chip on their shoulder about it.  I can tell you though even though these red-neck types may teach their children this crazy stuff their children can and many will reject it.  I did.

Fascism is a ruling ideology that differs from racists.  They are not interested in money as they are in power.  Dictators are great fascist.  The government owns everything, all production, all fields, all religion, every facet of your life.  This doesn't mean they are not racist, just that they might not be.  Fascism is a harsher version of communism in my mind.  Socialism like Sanders touts is a weak sister to fascism and communism.  People like Sanders and Trump feed on the frustrations of what you termed the down-trodden and hopeless to further their gains.  Trump for ego and Sanders for a misconstrued sense of equality.  These are not the kind of people we want leading us. 

You have covered pretty much every walk of life that can be accused of some wrong doing.   You accuse nearly all people of authority and those that have the responsibility of shaping young minds of some kind of wrong doing.   Someone in those positions can be abusive.  I don't understand putting them on notice.  We have laws and mechanisms for punishing wrong doing, civilly or legally.  We do that better than any other country in the world.  There are 300 million of us in the U.S.; tens of thousands police, and educators and with human nature what it is there will be abuses.  When they are caught they are punished, or should be.  I think the worst abusers are the college professors that push a jaundice slant on the students  to the far left; that vilify the CEO's and Stock Brokers.  Then some of those students leave school and learn the truth and become CEO's and Stock Brokers.  I put these professors in the worst light because they influence hundreds of minds everyday where a bad cop might hurt a couple at any given time.

I think the reason so many people feel the system as run amok and the fabric is being torn is because until the Obama administration directed the Department of Justice to lay sway to the rule of law in favor of the minorities, not on the basis of behaviors.  Justice has not been color blind the past seven years.  What is needed is for the blindfold to be put back on lady justice.  People have had their faith in the justice system eroded.  It isn't a matter of perception.  Bad people do bad things they should be punished.  When a bad person does a bad thing and Obama says that the punishment is unwarranted and lets them go it undermines our rule of law.  The hip game being played is by the leadership of our country right now not by the rich in ivory towers.  The system didn't get out of hand, it was wrested from us by our political system.

I'm sure I'm not one of the people you are putting on notice.  Yet, I don't intend on being collateral damage.  I am not sure as to what you think you are going to do with your band to end a game that has no end or perhaps we are not playing on the same board.  Like Rodney King said, can't we all just get along.  No harm, no foul.  There are millions more in the country like me that wish the best for everyone than like the ones you hate that mean harm to anyone that gets in their way. 

I'm hoping you have a better week this week. 

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Until the end...

As a species sharing the planet with the rest of the plants and animals we have been tasked with subduing and caring for the planet by God.

From the time there were only two of us humans on the planet to the 7 Billion of us today we have done a pretty good job.  Go to some of the photography collections on google+ and take a look.  There are two types of wonders in the world, those produced by nature and those produced by the ingenuity of man that are breathtaking. 

That isn't to say that there are not abuses because there are.  A person can drill down and put a place or event under focus and point out how horrible we are as a species in our stewardship of the world.  For the most part these are not much more than acme on the cheeks of a young teenager that with a bit of attention will go away and be forgotten.

At this point it would be easy to delve into some specifics covering corruption, business disregard for the environment, government overreach, lack of charity and right down killing each other but I won't.  Look at the news, you can see it all for yourself.  So what are the motivations for these terrible things, is there a relativity to it all?  After all, there a 7 Billion of us and room for at least that many more.

First let's look at motivation.  First thing to realize is we are flawed.  It is a purposeful flawing as part of the plan of salvation that we all agreed to in heaven before we were given a body that we would come to the earth and participate.  The body our spirit was breathed into at conception is a carnal object seeking sensation and good feelings.  Our spirit that once resided with God wants to be obedient to God's will but has to win domination over the body.  That isn't easy.  The failure of us to exercise our spirits will over that of the body generally results in sin, but not always. 

There are some things God wants our spirit to do. 

  1. Be ethical.  That is do the right thing.  Doesn't matter if that is with interaction with people or the planet.
  2. Have integrity.  So that our will doesn't have cracks or holes that lets in things that are contrary to Gods plan like envy, lust, hate, greed and so on. That means we are to be consistent in our actions as we do the ethical things.
  3. Have charity.  Charity starts at home.  It is a responsibility for each of us to take care of ourselves first, then our families, our community and then the rest of the world if we have excess. 
  4. Have courage.  That is to be strong in the face of adversity and do the right thing.  That could be physical courage where there is risk of harm to yourself to help another or the mental courage to admit in the face of ridicule or worst a mistake or wrong doing.

There are a lot more things but for the purpose of this blog I think the gist of it will be understood.

Now for those that are agnostic or atheist the same things apply only instead of recognizing that these are divine attributes you have to draw from your own strength of character to fulfill them.  There is nothing wrong with that except in order to determine what is ethical  and charitable a person as to go with tradition.  In many instances tradition which is the right way to view and behave in a particular setting, coincides with the dictates of the divine. 

Now for the relativity.  One of the things you hear politicians say as they decide a course of action that we all must follow is "We are doing this because this is what we are!", or are not as the case may be.  When it comes to the ethical thing we have an amazing faculty for rationalization where we can make ourselves think an unethical action is the right thing.  Where this really comes into play is the difference between "enlightened" developed countries like the United States and England for instance and developing countries like Mexico.  Big business gets a bum rap about their obscene profits or their callous behavior to the environment.  Even though the law permits a corporation to function as an entity onto its self it really isn't.  It is run by people.  Those people have a struggle with the four items I've listed above.  For most it is a short struggle and we don't hear much about them.  For others, it is a losing struggle and we hear a lot about them because the impact their decisions have on you and me can be substantial like tax money used in government bailouts.  When it comes to companies operating in the United States compared to those in China as an example the U.S. has set limits on actions as a protection for people and the environment.  These regulations are relatively stronger in the United States than in other countries.  That is why with little exception our water is safe to drink anywhere, or swim in.  The air is cleaner and healthier to breath even in the worst parts like the Los Angeles basin compared to Beijing.  All the good things about us and our country goes on and on. 

The actions of the people in the world fluctuates good too bad to good again.  There are those that want to impose their will on others in the name of some religion or another or just because they think they are stronger or smarter in which case they strive to beguile those they wish to control to their way of thinking.  No matter how you slice the world condition it starts and ends with ourselves.  The things we have control over, being ethical, having integrity and charity and the courage to admit our faults and stand up for the helpless is really what is important and makes the world better for everyone overall.  The United States is heads and shoulders ahead of the rest of the world in these things and probably stay that way till the end.